Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, June 25, 2007

Hello from Vegas

Just a quick update-thank you Beth for bringing your laptop along.

The weather is really, really hot. It is around 105-110 during the day. We are staying inside as much as possible.

The slot machines have treated us well but the table games haven't been very nice to me.

The World Series of Poker is going on now. These are small 2 and 3 day tournaments before the big one starts. We went over yesterday and watched some of the big boys play-Gus, Daniel,Doyle, etc.

We saw Love last night-amazing. We were in the second row-I could reach up and touch the performers. Tonight is the one year anniversary-Paul, Ringo and Yoko are going to be at the show.

The shopping has been limited-I have been good. Need to save money for the house.

I haven't accomplished much on my knitting. I have the ribbing done and 3 of the 9 repeats of the pattern.

Gotta run-Beth is waiting in the casino for me.


...Sarah said...

It is hot here too. Yesterday morning my thermometer read 90 before 9 am. The sun wasn't even beating down on it yet.

Hope you catch a glimpse of someone famous.

Anonymous said...

Have a great time. Ken would be all over the poker world series.