Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, June 15, 2007

Am I Crazy?

There could be many different titles to this post
  • Business Ethics
  • False Advertising
  • What the 'bleep'?
My mom is away at a conference until tomorrow so Beth and I took dad out for dinner tonight. After dinner Beth suggested going to The Brick to take another look at a couch. The Brick was having their Red Tag Sale and maybe it was on sale now. We found the couch and attached to the price tag was a sign that said Red Tag Sale. To me this means that the couch was on sale. WRONG!! We asked a salesman and he said that they put the tags on everything-not what is on sale. We told him that we thought this was wrong and he said it wasn't. We then asked for the manager and he told us that it wasn't false advertising. That's how it is done. Am I crazy? If there is a sale sign on something, doesn't this mean that it is on sale? I told him that I have a retail store and if I put a sale sign on something my customers expect it to be on sale. He then handed us another sign that said 'Some conditions apply' which makes it okay for them to put sale signs on everything. I will be making a phone call to the head office of The Brick on Monday!!

On a happier note, we had the air conditioning fixed in the store and our apartment today. I will be getting a much better sleep tonight. I have only six more sleeps until Las Vegas and fourteen more sleeps until we get the house.


Unknown said...

Too many companies make the mistake of thinking that their customers will just accept whatever hook, line and sinker that they put out there. Good on ya for standing up to The Man - even if you don't "win" it will (hopefully) make them re-think some of their policies.

Good luck in Vegas!

Anonymous said...

That is really sneaky and they must know it. I think you should take your business elsewhere.