Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, May 21, 2007

Here is a picture of my Dawn Shawl that was taken on Thursday. Since then I have finished the ball and am onto the next ball.

I have joined the Lace Shawl KAL. It is amazing some of the shawls that these knitters are making. Maybe for my next one. We have some lace weight yarn coming from Prism. They are sending me an assortment of colours-it will be exciting to open the box when it arrives.

Beth and I measured the windows in the townhouse today to order California Shutters. I hate to see what the bill for those is going to be. Holiday Mondays don't fit into my schedule. I need to be able to visit the bank, post office, grocery store, etc on my day off and they are all closed today. I also have house shopping to do!!!

Tonight is the last show for Dancing with the Stars. I know, you can't believe I watch that but this season has been great. I think the final voting will be close.


Anonymous said...

Tagged! 7 Random things. Need some rules? Read my blog.

Meme misery loves company.

Samantha said...

Holiday mondays don't fit my schedule either ... I like to be able to go and do stuff too when I don't have to be rushed to get the kid from school ...

The shawl looks great. :)