Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, February 23, 2007

A brainstorm hit

Yesterday afternoon it suddenly hit me. If I pin my cardigan on a mannequin, you will be able to see it better. The cast on edge is under the arm and I am working towards the neck. Two pieces are knit and sewn together up the back to join. I accomplished more today but didn't get a picture. Unfortunately, the number of stitches increases every row by 2 so it is taking longer to get a row knit.

This box arrived from Jordana Paige yesterday. She asked me to fill out a survey about how I market her bags in the store. For doing this, she sent me a Knitter's Satchel. I have decided to have a draw for a customer to win the bag. The draw will run from now until the end of March. For every purchase over $100, in the store or online, you will receive one entry into the draw.

I unpacked more yarn again today. The spring Louisa Harding has arrived. This sweater can be found in her Swallowtail magazine. Her designs are always different than what we are seeing from other companies. They are classic but modern and can be worn dressy or casual.

Gotta run, my chef has dinner ready.


Samantha said...

That is really cool ... the cardigan ... good idea pinning it to the mannequin. Does your mannequin have a name? I know a few knitters who named theirs.

Hoping to pop into the store today on my way to Toronto. You probably won't be there though, 'cause it's Saturday, right? I just have to make sure my chaufeur knows I want to make a stop. :lol:

Anonymous said...

I love the textures in that cardigan! It's looks like it'll be fab! But the again, all the stuff you knit looks great.

I'm totally wanting in that contest! Good thing I got paid this week, huh?