Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, May 01, 2006

Girls Day Out

Thanks to everyone who posted comments about my ginger ale soaked yarn. Right now it is sitting on the floor in my truck-just can't look at it.

Fiona Ellis will be at our guild meeting tomorrow night teaching cables. Hopefully she will bring garments from her new book for everyone to see!!

I needed something to do yesterday while watching tv so I started my Trendsetter cardigan. One sleeve done and one front is started. Should get lots of knitting done tonight-2 hockey games and The Apprentice.

Beth is flying in tonight from LA. She spent the weekend there seeing the new Trendsetter yarns for fall. I was given a brief review but don't know all the details. I know that there are at least 2 self striping yarns (she is bringing home a bag of each). You will be seeing lots of these yarns this fall (even from Rowan-but I didn't tell you that!)

Today was spent having a manicure and pedicure with my very good friend from university. Eveline and I met during first year (almost 20 years ago) and have stayed close since then. We even have the same birthday which makes it very easy to remember.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Last night I had a dream that my clocks were set wrong and I missed the guild meeting with Fiona Ellis. I woke up this morning and was a little ticked off until I realised the meeting hadn't happened yet. LOL

Owen spilled beer on some wool I have. Just a little bit of beer, but enough to make me gasp when it happened. I let it dry and will see what happens. It's just wool for something for Michael (a scarf likely for next winter) so maybe he'll enjoy the smell of it.

I really like your cardigan. Are you still working on that shrug? I still want to do it, but need to look for the yarn.