Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, June 30, 2023

Out of Commission

I’m good but I’m going to be out of commission for a few days. I wasn’t feeling well yesterday and had a terrible night. I ended up in Urgent Care this morning and now I’m waiting to have my gallbladder removed. I’m in St. Joe’s waiting for a bed. They think I’ll have a bed tonight. Surgery tomorrow or Sunday. As long as I’m not too bad I’ll continue to write. Knitting is going to be hard with my IV but the thing I really want is sleep.

Happy Canada Day tomorrow. Dad and Beth postponed the cottage until next weekend. I feel bad but they insisted. 

I’m currently in a Lazy Boy chair and I’m going to try and catch a few 💤.


pat N said...

Thinking of you Julie and may you have a good recovery Pat

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Julie! Hope you’ll feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you need surgery. That can sure spoil a holiday weekend. The good news is that I've heard that the surgery is so different now that recovery goes quickly instead of several weeks the old way.
Take care of yourself!
Daily reader from Wisconsin.

Trina said...

oh no I'm so sorry Julie. Get well soon.

Flemisa said...

Hope all goes well for you and a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear this Julie! Hope your surgery is soon and you have a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear that you're unwell! Bad news at any time, but particularly at the outset of a summer long weekend! I hope that your surgery will happen as quickly as possible and that your recovery will be smooth.

Denise L.

Anonymous said...

Sending prayers all goes well and quickly for you Julie! best wishes fromElmira.
Wendy B.

MsWard said...

Hoping for a speedy recovery!

Doré Way said...

So sorry - and on Canada DAy weekend when everyone is even more short-staffed. Hope you're home quickly

Anonymous said...

Get better Julie. Take your time.
Cheryl (seajaes)

Lynne said...

Oh Juile, I'm so sorry you're feeling poorly. I hope they have you fixed up and stitched up and feeling better very soon,

Laura said...

Prayers for a successful surgery, and a speedy and full recovery!