Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, June 22, 2012

Sock Yarn

It is Friday and we are in the car on the way to Columbus Ohio for TNNA. This is a trade show that I attend twice a year to purchase yarn, needles, books, bags and accessories for the store. There won't be time to post today (it is a 6.5 hour drive that will probably take us 7.5 hours to do-3 women in a car have to stop lots for the washroom) so I wrote this last night.

I picked up a box at the post office Tuesday night from Crystal Palace. We have new colours of Mini Mochi.

Very pretty!!

As I was surfing Ravelry yesterday I saw that Stephen West is doing another Mystery Shawl Knit-a-Long.

Here is the link to the Ravelry page

The price of the pattern is $4-mine has been purchased. The first clue will be coming on July 13. It is a leap of faith but I haven't met a Stephen West pattern that I don't like. I did his Earth and Sky KAL last and loved working with a deadline. You don't have to keep up with the group but I liked getting my knitting done so when the next clue came I was ready to go.

I started thinking about colours. Actually it didn't take long at all.
Lorna's Laces (sorry that I got the L upside down) Solemate in Kerfuffle. It is a very dark purple.
Noro Taiyo Sock. This has a small touch of the purple.
I can't find it right now but somewhere Stephen posted to think of Spectra and Daybreak when choosing colours.

I hope to post sometime on Saturday with pictures from the show.

1 comment:

Linda in Waterloo said...

Beautiful colour choice.