Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I'm on the border

We just sent out a newsletter this morning.  If you didn't receive the newsletter but would like to receive them, click on 'Join the Needle Emporium Mailing List' at the right of this post.

Download the newsletter.

That was as far as my post got yesterday morning.  The store was crazy until the afternoon and then I gave myself time to knit.  I need to get my shawl done.  My repeats are all done and I have started the border.  Then to figure out the border repeat.  There are currently 525 stitches on my needle.  No wonder it takes so long to get through a row!!  Once everything was figured out I was good to go while watching Big Brother.  When I got to the 15th stitch on the second row of the chart I realized that I made a mistake on the first row.  The pattern was one main, one background around the row and I did two background at one point.  There was no way I was ripping out over 500 stitches.  I dropped these 15 stitches down and reversed the colour.  A bit dicey but it worked.

Big Brother was great last night.  I am so glad that Kathy did not back down and apologize to Rachel.  Not sure who I want to be sent home tonight. Rachel in the house with everyone ganging up on her will be great!!  She thinks that she has a chance but Matt has that special POV that he can use next week.

Back to the important things. A shipment just arrived from Crystal Palace with four new colours of Mini Mochi.  These tonal colours will work great for lace knitting.

The most recent Knitty has a great pattern called Coquille in Mini Mochi.

Jordana Paige took some more pictures of her soon to be released bag.  I LOVE this colour.

Everyone is asking about the inside of the bag so here are a couple of pictures for you.

I am going to sign off for a bit to watch the golf and get some knitting done-I want/need to get enough done to show a picture.

Here is the picture. Sorry that it isn't better but hopefully I will get a chunk done tonight.

1 comment:

purplekatkin said...

I love that bag!!!!!