Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day one in Seattle

This is going to be another all day post. No WIFI in the room is a pain but I am too cheap to pay for it. :)

I just learned an important lesson.  Writing in Pages and putting into Blogger messes up my Font.  I have tried and tried to change my last post but can't make it right.  This doesn't make me happy.  I like things to look the same!!

After writing my post I took a walk to Nordstroms and Macys. I bought mascara and that was it. No shoes called my name. Then I went into Lush. I like to look around but don't buy. Today I bought. There are a few presents for Beth because she got left behind. They did a mini spa traetment on my hands. Of course that cost me money because my hands felt great so I had to buy the hand cream. Did you know that their products are made in Canada? There are some stores in the Toronto area. Would have been easier to drive to Toronto than bring the bag home-it weighs a ton. I will need to be careful packing.

After lunch at The Cheesecake Factory I came home for a nap. Could have been the Typhoon Punch at 11:30 am. Sleep however wasn't in the cards. There was a big St. Patrick's Day parade. Bagpipes and more bagpipes and they were all playing the same song!! Then every few minutes it sounded like an explosion. After twenty minutes I had to go downstairs.

The Seafairers had a float and were simulating the sound of a cannon. I got downstairs in time to see them. Had to cover my ears it was so loud.

After they were gone I did nap. Then some relaxing time in my window seat knitting. It is only 7pm right now but feels like midnight. I'm going back to the room to find a movie and knit. I am working though. There is a piece of paper and pen so I can make newsletter notes.

Here is a picture to show that I really have been knitting.  The Soft Linen from Classic Elite is a great feeling yarn.  Just 14 balls to go!!

I am back in the lobby having dinner.  W Big Apple (apple martini in a sugar rimmed glass) and Sexy Fries (truffles, parmesan and garlic).  YUMMY!!!

It is time to resume my CSI Miami marathon on A&E and get that ball of yarn finished.

Tomorrow morning I will be boarding a ferry for Bainbridge Island.  Please-no rain.  The weather today was nice but definitely not warm.  I hear that it was raining like crazy at home.  You can keep it for the next few days.  :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love that LUSH manufactures in Canada for it's North American distribution! Yay made-in-Canada!
I believe they have 2 plants: One in Toronto and one in Vancouver. I guess because some of their products are perishable, they had too is they wanted to expand their market. Wise investment in my opinion ;)

Hope you had fun in Seattle. I've been there only once, many many years ago and did not like it at all, although on paper, the city offered everything I wanted. I'm sure if I went back today I would appreciate it more.