Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, December 10, 2010


I just cast off the scarf.  I'm liking it-so much that I am starting another scarf tonight.  The sample scarf was knit starting with 8 stitches.  The new scarf will have 6 stitches-I want to see how long the scarf will be with less stitches.

Mr. Canada Post just came through the door with the missing order from Trendsetter so we are well stocked on all colours.

Here is a close up.

My next job for this afternoon is to get the Flamenco up on the website.

Mr. Canpar has already been here to day and there was nothing from Katia.  Maybe Monday?

It has been a bit of a busy week for me-three chiropractic appointments.  I don't usually write about not feeling well because there are many people who are way worse off than me. My back has been bothering me for some time as well as my shoulders.  It was time to look into the problem.  My back is a bit messed up and I will be seeing my chiropractor three times a week for the next month.  There is good news.  She tells me that she can already see an improvement.  I asked her how she can tell from me lying on the bed. When I first saw her a month ago for my consultation my right leg was 1/2" shorter than my left.  Excuse me??  After 3 sessions my legs are almost the same length.

Beth and I have been playing catch up with Y&R episodes.  Last night we saw Meggie trying to drug and marry Victor.  I called it that he knew what was happening and was playing along.  Nikki-what a stupid woman.  How can she hook up with Deacon?

It's time to get working.  Have a good night and stay warm!!

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