Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, December 09, 2010


Yes, the title is capitals.  I am screaming at myself!!  Last night I was working on Aldred and did an hours worth of knitting that needed to be ripped out.  I hate ripping out.  All is on track now and I am loving the colours.  You will love them tomorrow when I remember to take a picture :)

Today an order arrived from Trendsetter.  This was the second order I placed-the first one is sitting in Canada Customs.  The colours of Flamenco look great.

I started with the scarf on the right-bright colours.  I am knitting in every hole but there wasn't enough Frill for me.  The holes in Flamenco are closer together than the holes on Triana.  I started another scarf going through every other hole.  This made the pink scarf Frillier-of course this is a word.  I am liking it much better.

Korey and I are always trying to make the website better for you and for me. Every time we added a new yarn company it went to the bottom of the page. The same for pattern companies and on the featured patterns page.  We can now sort these so today I started playing.  I can now add more categories as well.  This is a work in progress that will take a few days (okay weeks).  While going through I have found that yarns and patterns were missed so my chore tomorrow is to get everything on the site.

The couch is calling.  I want to get the Flamenco scarf done tonight and it is the final episode of the Apprentice.  My vote is for Clint.

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