Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, April 30, 2010

Not too early to think about fall

In the middle of my packing for the Frolic the UPS man came with a huge box from Berroco.  The new colours of Berroco Blackstone Tweed are here.  Not sure where I am going to put all the bags but will worry about that tomorrow.

These were the first two colours on the top of the box.  Wow.

A true navy and a dark green.  Berroco did a great job filling in the colours that were missing last winter.

At the bottom of the box was the best colour of all. A very dark purple.  Totally my colour-as if I picked it.  I will be using this to knit Jared Flood's Dryad.  Unfortunately I can't start tonight because I must finish my Soft Linen cardigan.  Last night I got to row 60 and the front is 230 rows long.

Another pattern suggestion is Celsian.
Celsian’s full skirt is gathered to a fitted bodice which has been knit cuff to cuff. The subtle textural stitch was borrowed from Norah’s men’s sweater Feldspar.
I looked at this cardigan when the pattern first came out and thought about it in the browns and beiges.  Using the new colours would make an amazing cardigan.  I'm thinking navy and dark green or navy and teal.  Now I have thought about it more and the new purple and last years lime would be great as well.

Survivor last night was great.  I was very happy to see Amanda go-wasn't a big fan.

My computer is telling me that it is time to be plugged in.  The yarn on the table it telling me that I need to make up kits.  I guess that means it is time to sign off.  Have a great Friday night.  The weather here today is sunny and warm-definitely sitting on a patio weather.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mohair Bias Loop

Yesterday got away from me before I could get a post done.

I have been working on my fall Rowan order as well as ordering from a new company.  I just hit the 'send' button on an order for Madelinetosh.  There is a good selection of Sock, DK, Vintage and Pashmina in the order.  It will be 8-10 weeks before it arrives-just in time for fall.

I am madly making kits for the Frolic next Saturday.  If you have ever visited the store before a show or knitting camp you will know that I start making piles of everything that is to be packed.  I don't want to be putting things in boxes next Friday morning.

We have had one more garment knit from the Churchmouse collection of patterns.  This is from the pattern-Mohair Bias Loop knit in two balls of Kidsilk Haze from Rowan.

Ann knit one for the store using one 25 gram ball of Superior from Filatura di Crosa.  70% Cashmere and 30% Silk.  The scarf/shawl feels like a feather.  It is so light and so soft!!

I took the scarf and looped it around twice to make a cowl that will definitely keep your neck warm on a cold day.

I need to run because there are many yarns looking at me wanting to be put into their kit packaging.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Where do I start?

My sales rep just left after showing me the new Rowan and Berroco for fall.  WOW!  Can't wait for fall to get here.

I am going to start with Berroco.  Norah Gaughan Volume 7 is a collection of garments using the Ultra Alpaca line.  Ultra Alpaca (the original worsted weight), Lite (DK weight) and Fine (sock weight).

One of my favourite yarns from last fall was Blackstone Tweed.  There are seven new colours and we will have them next week.  One of my knitters will be getting the yarn to knit Dryad.  I think it will be the amazing new deep, deep purple or maybe the dark hunter green.  Turquoise or pink??  I must have a Jared garment to wear at the retreat!!

I started looking on Ravelry to see what people have used Blackstone Tweed for.  Take a look at Stratus from Norah Gaughan.
Stratus is scattered with details: textural seed stitch, 3/4 sleeves that can be turned up for a new look and garter bands at the lower and sleeve hems. High ribbing at the neckline and generous length make this a cozy, highly wearable cardigan.
In June we will have Blackstone Chunky.  Same yarn but knits on a 6.5mm needle.  Think of the possibilities.  There is a pattern book for the Blackstone Chunky as well.  My favourite design is a sweater with a big thick cable up the front and removable cowl neck.

I can't tell you too much about the Rowan-I would like to but I'm not allowed.  I will tell you that Rowan 48 is beautiful.  There are 3 themes.  The first is texture and all the garments are shown in beiges and greys.  Men and women-lots of cables.  The second section is colourful.  Fairisle and Tweed!!!  Lots of it.  The third section is very classic designs.  There are two new yarns for fall and new colours of existing yarns.    As the release of the yarns and books (many books) gets closer I will share more information with you.

The rest of my day has been spent making kits for the Frolic.  It is almost here and I'm not ready.  My cardigan isn't done either so I am going to sign off and pick up my needles.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Keeping kids quiet at dinner

The weekend got away from me again.  Saturday was busy in the store and I came home to lay on the couch and watch hockey.

Yesterday afternoon was spent on the couch, knitting and watching various sports.  The first front of my cardigan is done and the second front has been cast on.  

Our friend John is celebrating his birthday today so we took him and his three daughters out for dinner last night.  A twelve year old and ten year old twins can be very busy and very loud.  :)  We had a great time.  I bought cards in Seattle called Kids Table Topics to Go.  These are questions to keep young minds entertained.  "What would be a really good flavour for toothpaste?"  "If you could stay up all night what would you like to do?"

There are many other sets of cards available on the Table Topics website.

After they left we watched The Amazing Race.  My cowboys are still doing well.  No fighting.  No complaining.  Great team.  I thought for sure that Sharon was going on The Celebrity Apprentice.

This morning has been spent on taxes.  GST return done.  Personal tax return done.  Now I am going to work on my next newsletter.  More hockey and knitting are on the schedule for tonight.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Back at work but boy am I tired.

The hockey last night was phenomenal.  Triple overtime-can't beat that.  After the game we watched Survivor.  Parvati giving her idols to Sandra and Jerri was very unexpected-didn't see it coming.  It looks like Russell is really ticked.

Speaking of ticks (nice segue that I didn't plan on), while we were watching Survivor, Beth found a tick on Melo.  It is now 12:30 and what do we do?  Beth called the emergency vets to see what their suggestions were.  They said to use rubbing alcohol and remove the tick.  Yeah, like we have rubbing alcohol in our house.  Google-where is the nearest 24 hour drug store?  Off Beth went to get rubbing alcohol.  She didn't think of tweezers or cotton balls though.  We poured the alcohol on a paper towel and put on the tick.  Did nothing so we just poured some on Melo.  I then got my good tweezers from the bathroom.  That damn tick wouldn't budge.  Google-how do you remove a tick?  Keep pulling gently until it comes off but make sure you get the head.  If not then there could be infection or worse.  That little beast finally came off (head and all) and after a few cookies Melo didn't know that anything was wrong.  It is now 1:30 and I was finally off to bed.

The knitting on my cardigan is coming along.  I have 88 rows done on the first front.  Luckily the rows are getting shorter (from both ends) so the progress looks like it is going quickly.  I have my iPhone beside me ticking off rows on the Vogue knitting app.  If the only thing you use the app for is the row counter then it is worth the $3.99.  I have three counters going and life is good.

Yesterday afternoon another shipment arrived from Tanis.  This is the Baby Shane Blanket kit.

Very, very cute.

Eight colours of Tanis' yellow label dk weight 100% superwash merino.
From Tanis-
The Baby Shane Blanket was designed to really show off a wide variety of my tonal colourways. The blanket is knit in one piece with only one seam to sew at the end.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sideways Lace Vest

My knitters have been very busy helping me get ready for the Frolic.  The mailman brought an envelope from Ann yesterday afternoon.

Pattern:  Sideways Lace Vest from the Classic Elite booklet Farmer's Market
Yarn:  Classic Elite Soft Linen
Needles:  3.5mm

The vest is knit from side to side in an easy lace pattern with no neck shaping-very easy to adjust the size to fit anyone.

Notice the button?  I sewed it on, twice  The first time it was too close to the neck line.  I can sew on buttons!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Churchmouse Patterns-we have samples

Canada Post just came with an envelope from Lynda.

Pattern:  Churchmouse Classics Linen Stitch Scarf
Yarn:  Shepherd Sock from Lorna's Laces
Colours:  1 skein each of Midway, South Shore and Catalpa
Needles:  4mm 60cm or 80cm circular

The scarf is knit lengthwise and the colours are changed every two rows.  You are leaving tails at each end of every row that are knotted together to make fringes.

Here is a close up.  I wasn't sure how the colours in the Shepherd Sock would work but it turned out great.  Now I am busy putting together different combinations for the Frolic.

Rhonda finished this scarf last week.

Pattern:  Churchmouse Classics Barb's Ruffle
Yarn:  One skein of Prism Saki (sock yarn)-shown in Ginger
Needles:  3.5mm 60cm circular and 4mm 60-80cm circular

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Vogue Knitting and your iPhone

I received a very cool email from Vogue Knitting yesterday.  They have introduced an app for your iPhone or iPod Touch.  I bought the app last night and played with it.

Some of the features keep track of what you own-yarn, needles and books. This is something you can do on Ravelry and many other places. The problem is if you are out in a yarn shop and can't connect to the internet. Ravelry doesn't help you but this will work.

Designs from Vogue Knitting’s Stitchionary series are available as well, giving you dozens of swatches to practice on the go.
The patterns are charted and written out in words.
Our extensive how-to resources are included in the app, giving you all the tips and techniques you’ll need. The glossary of terms and abbreviations provides an in-depth guide for knitters of all skill levels.
When you are sitting at the arena working on your sweater and run into a problem you can take out your phone and find the answer.
 The Vogue Knitting App allows you to keep track of your knitting life easily and efficiently. Store all of your projects—in progress, queued, and finished—with row and stitch counts, needle size and yarn used, and any notes you add for reference.

I put my Drape Front Cardi in last night.  There is a very cool counter.  You can have more than one counter going at once.  Count your rows and at the same time keep track of how many increases or decreases you have done.

I could keep going on about this but I really need to get to work.  If you would like to see it in action, please ask to see my phone the next time you are in.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Tax Time

The hockey yesterday was amazing.  I hope the games tonight are just as good.

Sleeve one is finished and I am almost to the cap shaping on sleeve two.

It was a beautiful day and I wasn't golfing.  A dentist appointment in the middle of the day messed everything up.  The rest of the day was very busy but nothing, absolutely nothing, was accomplished.  My CD drive on my laptop (not MacBook) hasn't worked for a while.  I needed to get QuickTax onto my laptop (because it won't work on my MacBook) so I went and bought an external CD drive this morning.  After playing for two hours I still couldn't make it work.  Then I found an error in my computer.  Again, Google was my friend and I found the fix.  Now my CD drive works so I had to take back the external drive this afternoon.  My tax return has been started and now I am helping Beth with hers.  My PST has been paid and the GST is waiting for me.

A few posts ago I showed you the cardigan that Lynda knit using one strand of Zara and one strand of Kureyon sock.

Here is Jane wearing the cardigan she knit while in Florida

Pattern:  Chris Bylsma Fusion Jacket
Yarn:  One strand Zara held with one strand of Silk Garden Sock
Needles:  8mm

Both cardigans will be on display in our booth at the Frolic.

My knitting is calling my name so I had better move to the couch and get working.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Great sports days

What a great sports day yesterday.  Three hockey games, four basketball games and numerous baseball games including one that went 20 innings.  My hands were tired when I went to bed at one this morning after watching the last hockey game go into overtime.

I have started the cap shaping on my sleeve.  With the shorter rows the length is growing faster.

Pam Allen designed this cardigan and has done some interesting shaping.  There is waist shaping (take off stitches and then add some back in) and she has done the decreases opposite of how I normally do them.  I would knit one, ssk, knit until there are three stitches left, k2tog and then K1.  For this pattern the decreases are k2, k2tog, knit until four stitches left, ssk, k2.  I like the look of this and will definitely use it again.

Five more hockey games today along with The Amazing Race and Celebrity Apprentice.  And a Nascar race.  I will be parked on the couch all day.

In between all the sports last night I watched two episodes of the Y&R.  What is going on?  I fast forwarded through most of it because the story lines are so ridiculous.  First Patty had surgery to look like Emily and now Susan has surgery to look like Lauren.  The writers thought it was going well the first time and it should be used again?  I am enjoying the who murdered Adam story line though.  Billy standing up in court for Victoria was priceless.  The look on everyone's faces was amazing.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Serious Knitting

I am seriously working on my Drape Front Cardi again-4" done on sleeve number one.  Here is the back.  I told you it was boring.

The cardigan behind is also knit in Soft Linen and the pattern is from the Classic Elite booklet Make it Modern.  Ann was out of knitting so some Soft Linen is in the mail for her to knit a vest.

Yesterday afternoon I met with one of my sales reps to order some new yarns for the store.  I am totally in love with this new baby yarn.  50% acrylic and 50% nylon so it is easy to care for and knits on 4.5mm needles so it will be quicker than other baby yarns.

Cupcake should be in the store in about 2 weeks.  It could be the softest baby yarn I have ever touched.

Peter Pan has many, many patterns to support their yarns.

How are you enjoying the NHL playoffs?  Five games tonight-major knitting time.

It's almost closing time so I am packing up.  I hear that we might get snow tonight.  What??

Thursday, April 15, 2010

What was JT thinking?

What a beautiful day outside.  Beth is golfing-no, I'm not jealous.  :)  I'm sitting in the store watching golf on TV which is pretty much the same thing??

Ann knit this cute baby cardigan.  I would like to take credit but that isn't very nice.  I did sew on the buttons though and you know that I really hate that chore.

Pattern:  Sirdar leaflet 1843
Yarn:  3 skeins of Blue Sky Alpacas Multi Cotton
Size:  1-2 years
Buttons:  new from Lantern Moon

I just finished the back of my Soft Linen cardigan to the shoulder shaping.  I am concerned that the armholes aren't big enough so I am waiting until the sleeves are done to finish the shoulder shaping.

Can you believe what happened on Survivor tonight?  What was JT thinking?  This could definitely go down as the dumbest move ever!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Talk about absolutely nothing post

I am going to get to try my new nail polish on my fingers sooner than expected.  I just looked down and noticed that I had broken the nail on my thumb.  I don't have time for this today!!  Knitting class tonight.

Did you receive the newsletter that I sent out yesterday?  If not here is the link.

I need to find someone's email address and can't find it on my computer.  After much searching I found it on my phone.  Good news.  Not really.  Now all my emails are gone from my phone.  Everything.  Sent.  Saved.  Received.  Gone.  What did I do to Apple to make them hate me?  Anyway, I powered off and started again and they are back.  Seriously weird but it proves that turning something off that doesn't work helps.

Can you taste the difference in bottled water?  This is a never ending debate in our house.  I can tell the difference.  My first choice is Evian but won't pay that for water.  My next choice is Nestle Pure Life.  Beth bought the stuff on sale the last time she went grocery shopping.  Okay, she did the grocery shopping so I shouldn't complain.  I just finished a bottle of the cheap stuff and moved to a bottle of Nestle.  The difference is huge.  My mouth is very happy!!

It is now 6:30 and I am still in the store.  I have knitting class tonight and decided to stay here instead of running home and coming back.  I was supposed to be doing work but have been playing around on some airlines websites trying to get to Vegas or Los Angeles in January for a reasonable amount of air miles.  Air Canada is killing me.   Over 600,000 miles to fly to LA in business.  Are you serious?  When Beth and I went to New Zealand, in business class, it was 200,000 miles for both of us.  I have so many miles but can't use them.  I have a credit card from RBC and am considering making it my main card.  We'll see if they are easier to get flights out of.

I don't have much knitting information for you.  No boxes came in today.  I knit one row.  Like I said, nothing to tell.

I just reread this and it could be the most disjointed, talk about absolutely nothing post that I have ever written.  Hope you are enjoying the sunny weather.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bluetooth mystery

Another box arrived today from Tanis.  I can't wait to meet her in a few weeks at the Frolic.  I have a picture in my head-how close will I be?

Just had a small computer issue while writing my post.  My mouse is wireless and wouldn't connect for some reason.  This happens from time to time so I shut down the computer and restart it.  Tonight when I restarted my Bluetooth was gone.  Nowhere to be found.  I shut down and restarted and it was still gone.  What to do now?  I went to my friend 'google' for an answer and after some reading I decided that it was Beth's cell phone.  Turned the Bluetooth off on her phone and restarted my computer.  Now it works.

Back to the important stuff.  Box arrived from Tanis.  In the box were more Fiddlehead Mitten Kits, Dipped Infinity Scarf Kits and Blue Label Fingering Weight Yarn.



Deep Sea

The colours are absolutely beautiful.

There was also a special skein in the box.  This is a new yarn and Tanis sent a skein for me to see.  Silver Label Mulberry Silk Yarn.  100% Mulberry Silk.  500m on a 115 gram skein.  Laceweight.  Oh my gosh-beautiful.  Can you see Ishbel knit in one of these?  I will be placing an order for this by the end of the week and should have it in a couple of weeks.

I spoke with Larisa at Offhand Designs today and my shipment should be leaving California at the end of the week.  Scottie will be in the box.  This is Madeleine with mocha lining and dark brown trim. I want them here NOW!!!

Also in the box will be something that I haven't talked about.  Switch is a tri-fold clutch for interchangeable needles.  The case will accommodate a full set of Addi Clicks or Denise Interchangeable needles.  How cute are these?

Beth is sitting beside me writing a blog post.  It was necessary for me to read it before she would post it.  Take a look-it made me laugh.  I can totally see this  happening!!

It is now time to relax for a bit.  American Idol has been taped and my knitting needles are asking to go to work.  Don't your needles talk to you?

Monday, April 12, 2010

I love nail polish

Today was spent doing a lot of work for Beth.  I wrote a newsletter for her, formatted two more newsletters, took her lunch and helped set something up on her computer.  After all the Beth time I decided that it was time for me so I had a pedicure.

I have a small collection of OPI-it's the colours.  Just like collecting yarn because you like the colour.  Today I bought Dim Sum Plum from the new Hong Kong Collection.  From OPI's website they call it 'a berry delectable delicacy.'

So far it is just on my toes but next week it will be on my fingers as well.

The weekend was spent knitting and watching golf.  I am almost done the back of my cardigan.  Very glad that Mickelson won.  His family is going through a rough time (his wife and mom have cancer).  

The Amazing Race was good last night.  Happy that my cowboys are still racing.  The women did not take it very well when they received the U-Turn.  It's a game-get over it.  

Celebrity Apprentice is taped and we are heading upstairs to watch it.  More knitting :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I really love Noro

The sun was streaming into my room early this morning.  I tried lying there but couldn't get back to sleep-obviously it was time to get my day started.  I am ready for work but way too early to go so I thought it was a good time to start a post.

I finished the second Boheme before leaving the store last night.

For this one I left out the lace work.  I wasn't sure if it was needed with the colour changes but if I was to do it again I think I would put it in.

Yarn:  2 balls Noro Aya
Needles:  4mm
Size:  6 months

Noro Aya (50% cotton, 35% silk and 15% wool) is very soft and great to work with.

Staying with the Noro theme-Emma brought this cardigan in today.  Absolutely beautiful.  Pictures do not do this justice.  She did an amazing job on the sewing.  I mentioned that I was very picky about finishing and she met my demands.

Pattern:  From Noro Jenny Watson Catwalk 2
Yarn:  Noro Kureyon Sock

Survivor last night was great.  I'm not a fan of Sandra but she has Russell figured out.  Tell him someone is after him and he will vote them out.  How about the preview for next week?  JT thinking of giving his idol to Russell.

I got one episode of the Y&R in before bed as well.  If Sheila really is alive then let us see her face.  Adam is dead.  Wonder who killed him?  There is going to be many, many suspects for that!!

Beth and I have to go to Toronto for dinner tonight.  Ruth's Chris.  I have a big smile on my face thinking about the amazing steak I am going to have.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Too tired to think of a title

Good morning all.  It feels like I have been awake for hours-wait I have.  We were up before 7am this morning to start getting ready for breakfast and meetings.  You might be saying that isn't early but in my world it is.  Everyone is currently sitting around my dining room table talking yarn.

That was how my blog post started yesterday morning.  I left the house at 9:30 to open the store and the day got away from me.  Helping customers.  Ordering yarn.  Watching golf.  Knitting.  And then it was 5:30.  When I got home everyone was still at my dining room table.  We had dinner out at The Keg and then I came home to work on mail orders.

This morning started out just as early.  More meetings.  Getting people to the airport and then starting work at noon.

Today has been day of unpacking boxes.

Lantern Moon.  More Destiny Circular needles-Rosewood and Ebony.

We received these great wired shawl pins in black and silver.  I ordered these without seeing them and love them.  I might need to order some for myself.  :)

Lots and lots of buttons which means I sewed the buttons on Boheme.   Very cute and easy cardigan to knit-I highly recommend it if you need to make a gift.

Pattern: Boheme (look on the left under Fiddlestix Patterns)
Yarn:  Classic Elite Firefly
Needles:  4mm
Size:  6 months

Before any comments come in, I did sew in the ends and sewed the buttons on!!

Among the many boxes was a package from Lynda.  She just finished the Fusion Jacket (pattern from Chris Bylsma) knit in Zara and Kureyon Sock.  There is a tweedy effect to the finished sweater because when knitting you are working into the back of the stitch.  This also lets you knit on a bigger needle (8mm) but the jacket won't stretch.

14 bags of Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Baby arrived.  Also in that shipment was a new yarn from Malabrigo called Twist.

Lorna's Laces sent sock yarn and more Iris kits.

There is no talk about Survivor because I haven't seen it yet. That will be job number one when I get home from work!!!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Churchmouse Patterns have arrived!!

I am now on the third version of this post.  I write something, then erase it and start again.  Nothing interests me so it definitely won't interest you.  

Somehow yesterday got away from me.  Before I knew it the clock said 12:30 and I needed to get to sleep.

Many of my friends visited yesterday-UPS, FedEx and Canada Post.  Two boxes from Rowan including some magazines, Colourscape Chunky, Calmer and Fine Milk Cotton. Two huge boxes of Cascade 220 and Cascade 220 Heathers that included colours we were out of and some colours that we haven't had before.  A box of Dyed Cotton and Multi Cotton from Blue Sky Alpacas.  A very small but important box from Seattle-the Churchmouse patterns.

After work I ran and had my nails done.  Somehow I broke a nail Monday night.  I am not happy with nine pretty nails and one very ugly nail.  Beth suggested a bandaid on the bad finger-like that is going to make it look better.

When I got home Beth needed a handout made for her sales meeting.  The Mac works like a charm for making pretty handouts.

There are no pictures of my knitting-who wants to see a large piece of stocking stitch-but I have been working on my Drapey Front Cardigan in Soft Linen from Classic Elite.  I have finally reached the armholes which is a big deal because the armholes start at 23".  The yarn is very nice to work with.  It feels very soft-I know why the model has the cardigan wrapped around herself and has a big smile on her face!!

Another friend just visited-Canada Post-bringing me more of the Knit Kit.

It is a month until the Knitter's Frolic.  I am starting to sweat.  There is a lot to get ready-okay, I need to figure out what I am taking first.  After I work that I out I need to make sure I have enough of everything.  Some yarns and accessories come from the US and if I wait too long to order then they won't make it in time.  Lorna's Laces and Prism has been ordered.  What else do I need??

We are having dinner with Beth's sales reps tonight so I better wrap this up because there will be no time tonight to add more.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Monday off does not mean napping

Dinner at Aunt Rene's last night was great.  There were many laughs-it is never a quiet affair when we all get together.

I finished the Boheme I was knitting using Noro Aya.  Just waiting for the buttons-Lantern Moon has shipped them and fingers crossed they will be here this week.

It is another beautiful day outside.  I am not working in the store but I am working.

One of my jobs today is clean the house which includes my bedroom.  I have a lot of yarn in my room!! Beth is flying her sales reps in on Wednesday for a meeting on Thursday.  What better place to hold the meeting than at our dining room table.  It seats eight which is perfect, the kitchen and bathroom are close and it is cheap.  :)

I also need to start thinking about doing my tax return.  That time is coming up soon!!

I just returned home from the grocery store and I wore sandals.  Big mistake!!  I don't pay attention to what I am doing and kick the wheel of the cart.  In sandals that hurts-a lot.  I didn't do it once but twice.  Now I have sore toes on both feet.

The Amazing Race last night was great.  My cowboys are back in the lead.  Why would you think it was a good idea to get out of your cab and walk?  I can tell you from my experiences in Seattle that when someone tells you five minutes that it is usually much farther.

Then, Celebrity Apprentice.  How did Rod Blagojevich get to be Governor of Illinois?  The man can't even work a cell phone.  He stammers through everything he says as well.  There must have been some very good people working for him.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter

It is Saturday night and I am starting tomorrow's post.  There is lots to talk about and if I wait until tomorrow I will forget.  It is also going to be a busy day.  Church in the morning and then getting the deserts ready for Easter dinner.  Maybe a nap.

I forgot to talk about One of a Kind.  We left at 5:30 on Thursday and ran into traffic.  We arrived at the Direct Energy Centre (on the CNE grounds) at 7.  The show closed at 9 so we had to hustle.  One thing we were looking for was artwork for the house.  We met Christos Palios who came from Baltimore to display at the show.  Take a look at his website.  I wanted to add some of his pictures to my post but didn't ask him and don't want to get into trouble by using photos without permission.  I liked photo #3 and Beth liked #6.

There were many things we liked but didn't buy anything else until meeting up with Carrie (At The Wroot Of It).  The first time I met Carrie I bought a sheep mug for myself and a few more as Christmas gifts.  At the next show I ordered 50 mugs to give away at our knitting retreat.  This show I bought a tea pot and a mug.  Who could resist the sheep mug?

When I was taking a picture of the front of the teapot I could see the back of it in the mirrored backsplash.  I thought it looked cool so I took a picture of it that way.

I love her work but it isn't for everyone.  I really, really want a set of her canisters but that will be for the next show.

When I got home from work tonight there was a funny smell in the air but we didn't think anything of it.  All of a sudden there was smoke and ashes.  A fire had broken out in the forest behind our house.  You could here crackling just before the fire trucks arrived.  They were here for at least 2 hours before the smoke was gone.  I started making a mental inventory of what I would need to get ready to put in the car if it got any bigger and we had to think about leaving.  Dogs.  Passport.  Two computers.  Then there is the problem about my sweaters.  And shoes.

I was just reading some posts on Twitter and this came from Ian Poulter.  Ian is a professional golfer known for wearing interesting outfits.  He also matches his sunglasses, hats and golf shoes.  If you think I have a lot of shoes then take a look at his golf shoes. I am seriously jealous.  Imagine being able to match your golf shoes to every outfit you own.

It is now Sunday afternoon.  What a beautiful day!!  We just got home from church and are making the deserts.  YUM.  I want some now.

On the TV is Survivor from Thursday night.  Russell wins again.  Sorry Rob.  It was just as good the second time around.

I got caught up on the Y&R last night.  Who is stalking Lauren??

Saturday, April 03, 2010

The clubs are warmed up

Boy is my body ever sore today.  Even my fingers hurt.  It has been almost eight months since I swung a golf club.  My score was okay-there were some very good shots and some not so good ones.  Hitting balls on the range before we started might have helped.

We had a great day yesterday.  The weather was amazing!!

We were on the 18th hole before I remembered to take a picture.  This is looking at the clubhouse.  We golfed at Copetown Woods-very nice course just outside of Ancaster.

Dad taught Beth and I to golf when we were young-I was 8 and Beth was 6.  Now you know who the older sister is.  :)  Beth has always been a better golfer than me.  I gave up the game in my teens and picked it up again in my early twenties.  It doesn't bother me (as much) now to be beaten by her.

Mom loves it when we take Dad golfing.  It gives her five hours of peace and quiet.

This is a look down the 18th fairway.  I should have thought about the pictures earlier in the day when the sun was shining.

Late Thursday afternoon a shipment came in with the brand new Noro Kids book.

I want this for me!!  It is knit in Noro Aya-the same colour that I have been using for the little vest.

Amy is knit in a new yarn called Furin-52% cotton, 17% silk, 9% viscose and 5% nylon.  We have colours 2, 10 and 11 in the store.

Thomas is knit in Chirimen.  These garments are so cute.  Not at all baby but little adult.  Think Baby Gap jeans and a pair of boots.

I am working on kits for the Frolic.  It is only a month away and I hate waiting until the last minute.  This also helps me to figure out what yarns I need to order and get them here in time.

Happy Easter to everyone.

Don't forget that we are closed on Mondays now so I will be back in the store on Tuesday.