Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Great sports days

What a great sports day yesterday.  Three hockey games, four basketball games and numerous baseball games including one that went 20 innings.  My hands were tired when I went to bed at one this morning after watching the last hockey game go into overtime.

I have started the cap shaping on my sleeve.  With the shorter rows the length is growing faster.

Pam Allen designed this cardigan and has done some interesting shaping.  There is waist shaping (take off stitches and then add some back in) and she has done the decreases opposite of how I normally do them.  I would knit one, ssk, knit until there are three stitches left, k2tog and then K1.  For this pattern the decreases are k2, k2tog, knit until four stitches left, ssk, k2.  I like the look of this and will definitely use it again.

Five more hockey games today along with The Amazing Race and Celebrity Apprentice.  And a Nascar race.  I will be parked on the couch all day.

In between all the sports last night I watched two episodes of the Y&R.  What is going on?  I fast forwarded through most of it because the story lines are so ridiculous.  First Patty had surgery to look like Emily and now Susan has surgery to look like Lauren.  The writers thought it was going well the first time and it should be used again?  I am enjoying the who murdered Adam story line though.  Billy standing up in court for Victoria was priceless.  The look on everyone's faces was amazing.

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