Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, April 19, 2010

Tax Time

The hockey yesterday was amazing.  I hope the games tonight are just as good.

Sleeve one is finished and I am almost to the cap shaping on sleeve two.

It was a beautiful day and I wasn't golfing.  A dentist appointment in the middle of the day messed everything up.  The rest of the day was very busy but nothing, absolutely nothing, was accomplished.  My CD drive on my laptop (not MacBook) hasn't worked for a while.  I needed to get QuickTax onto my laptop (because it won't work on my MacBook) so I went and bought an external CD drive this morning.  After playing for two hours I still couldn't make it work.  Then I found an error in my computer.  Again, Google was my friend and I found the fix.  Now my CD drive works so I had to take back the external drive this afternoon.  My tax return has been started and now I am helping Beth with hers.  My PST has been paid and the GST is waiting for me.

A few posts ago I showed you the cardigan that Lynda knit using one strand of Zara and one strand of Kureyon sock.

Here is Jane wearing the cardigan she knit while in Florida

Pattern:  Chris Bylsma Fusion Jacket
Yarn:  One strand Zara held with one strand of Silk Garden Sock
Needles:  8mm

Both cardigans will be on display in our booth at the Frolic.

My knitting is calling my name so I had better move to the couch and get working.

1 comment:

  1. It's fun watching your knitting and reading your notes. Tax time was busy here, too, but from the other side of the desk.

    Lois, CPA, in Cincinnati, USA
