Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Talk about absolutely nothing post

I am going to get to try my new nail polish on my fingers sooner than expected.  I just looked down and noticed that I had broken the nail on my thumb.  I don't have time for this today!!  Knitting class tonight.

Did you receive the newsletter that I sent out yesterday?  If not here is the link.

I need to find someone's email address and can't find it on my computer.  After much searching I found it on my phone.  Good news.  Not really.  Now all my emails are gone from my phone.  Everything.  Sent.  Saved.  Received.  Gone.  What did I do to Apple to make them hate me?  Anyway, I powered off and started again and they are back.  Seriously weird but it proves that turning something off that doesn't work helps.

Can you taste the difference in bottled water?  This is a never ending debate in our house.  I can tell the difference.  My first choice is Evian but won't pay that for water.  My next choice is Nestle Pure Life.  Beth bought the stuff on sale the last time she went grocery shopping.  Okay, she did the grocery shopping so I shouldn't complain.  I just finished a bottle of the cheap stuff and moved to a bottle of Nestle.  The difference is huge.  My mouth is very happy!!

It is now 6:30 and I am still in the store.  I have knitting class tonight and decided to stay here instead of running home and coming back.  I was supposed to be doing work but have been playing around on some airlines websites trying to get to Vegas or Los Angeles in January for a reasonable amount of air miles.  Air Canada is killing me.   Over 600,000 miles to fly to LA in business.  Are you serious?  When Beth and I went to New Zealand, in business class, it was 200,000 miles for both of us.  I have so many miles but can't use them.  I have a credit card from RBC and am considering making it my main card.  We'll see if they are easier to get flights out of.

I don't have much knitting information for you.  No boxes came in today.  I knit one row.  Like I said, nothing to tell.

I just reread this and it could be the most disjointed, talk about absolutely nothing post that I have ever written.  Hope you are enjoying the sunny weather.


  1. You know, the nothing posts are fun too. I need to get some done on my blog. Thanks for the shove. I'll get it as soon as I get back from work today.

    And yes, I agree about the water. They keep saying its safe. I don't care, its the taste I can't stand. That stuff that comes out of the taps is TERRIBLE.

  2. Have you considered using a distiller or British Berkefeld ("Berkey") filter? Or a Brita filter (I use one at work)? I have a distiller, since I don't like the 'metallic' or chlorine taste of tap water. But I also don't like the plastic taste of bottled water, or the associated health/environmental aspects. The cost is paid back pretty quickly.
