Thursday, September 24, 2009


Cathy was in the store yesterday and I was in and out all day. I finally had my hair cut and coloured. Some days I think it would be much easier to let my hair go grey!! Many parcels were mailed out including two to my knitters so they can make some samples of new yarns-Kathmandu Chunky from Queensland Collection and Willow Tweed from Louisa Harding. At class last night the ladies actually took their needles out right away and got to work. After class I did some more work on the website. Under Patterns and Yarns you will see there is a new category for Queensland Collection. I showed four garments from the new Queensland Collection 11 in the last newsletter. I am very excited about this magazine-Jenny Watson is one of my new favourite designers and the garments look great. The yarn shade cards aren't up yet but Korey will get them up soon.

Tonight is the Sports Celebrity Dinner and Auction that helps out the people of Honduras. My dad goes on a mission trip every November to help out-they have built a school, worked on irrigation systems and many other jobs that these people need help doing. None of the money raised tonight pays for their trips-all the money goes directly to helping the people. The speaker tonight will be 'the Junkyard Dog' who is a former player for the Toronto Raptors. Also in attendance will be Johnny Bower (sitting with my parents and their friends-poor man) Ron Ellis, Walter Gretzky as well as members of the Argos and Ti Cats. It is always a fun night but we don't get home until very late.

Lately there has been a baby epidemic-that's not a bad thing. People come in every day needing baby yarn because some one they know is having a baby. Sirdar is one of the best companies for good yarns and patterns for babies and toddlers. Here are a few pictures from their new book #363 Tiny Tots and Textures.

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