Friday, September 25, 2009

Bird houses

Jerome 'Junkyard Dog (JYD)' Williams was the speaker last night for the Sports Celebrity Dinner. The dinner has been taking place every September since 2001 and all funds raised go to help the people of Honduras.

Beth was very excited to meet JYD. The pictures didn't turn out the best (I wish my iPhone had a flash) but they will do until we get good pictures from the professional photographer. Hopefully Beth has her mouth closed in those.

JYD was great-he spent a lot of time signing autographs and taking pictures. The kids loved him.

There are many guest athletes at the dinner. Johnny Bower came last year and asked if he could come again this year. Beth made arrangements for Johnny and his wife Nancy to sit with my parents.

Sitting on the left are Aunt Rene and Uncle Bob. Uncle Bob was dad's first friend when he came to Canada in 1951 and they have been best friends ever since. Mom and Aunt Rene are like sisters (in a good way-no fighting). We spend holidays (Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas) with their family. Standing at the back on the left are Mark and Darlene. Mark is Uncle Bob's younger brother. My Dad is in the very back and my mom is far right. Sitting in the middle is Nancy and Johnny is behind her. He is an amazing man!! Very down to earth with no attitude. He played on Stanley Cup winning teams with Maple Leafs in the 1960s but you would never know that he is a sports star.

Beth went over yesterday morning to help with the set up. There is a large silent auction area that helps to raise more money. Most of the items are donated which really helps. She came home raving about these bird houses that look like animals. My dad collects bird houses so we decided to make sure he got one.

Remember me telling you a couple of days ago that we are fairy intelligent people but some days you wouldn't know it. Last night it happened again.

Dad, Beth and I didn't talk about which bird house we were bidding on-there was five in all. Do you think you have it figured out where I am going with this??? My parents friend Ann got one birdhouse, my dad's cousin Henry got a birdhouse, dad got a birdhouse, Beth got a birdhouse and I got a birdhouse. Yes, we bid on separate houses and got them all. Mom and dad are taking two to Myrtle Beach with them next week and this one is going to hang in our backyard.

1 comment:

  1. OMG - that's hilarious!!! You obviously all had different opinions on what your dad's taste in birdhouses is!
