Tuesday, September 22, 2009


It's been one of those days. I don't feel like I have accomplished anything but have been busy all day.

After work I had my nails done-a girl has to look good.

Beth and I have been on the phone for the past hour booking hotel rooms and plane tickets. We're going to Vegas. Okay, not until December but we're going!!! The Mirage had a special running a couple of month ago-three nights free. You did read that right, our first three nights will be free. Unfortunately we didn't write down the dates when we booked and had to call there to ask when we were coming. Yes, we are fairly intelligent people but some days you wouldn't know it.

Hell's Kitchen has been taped and we are off to watch.

1 comment:

  1. Hell's Kitchen totally surprised me - we had taped the one from last night (Tuesday) and after we watched it, we noticed that another one was recording on the PVR...there was another episode on tonight at 7! that was very surprising! Hope you didn't miss it!
