Tuesday, November 01, 2005

I flat spotted my Addi

I would like to say that I did it while knitting really, really fast but I actually stepped on the needle. My knitting fell and on the floor and I wasn't paying any attention to where I was walking. (My parents call me a bull in a china shop so this isn't surprising) It might help if I wasn't wearing my 'Shit kickers' or cowboy boots to everyone else. Luckily I am using the needle for a shawl so tenison isn't important but I don't think I want to use the needle for anything else. People suggested that I send it back because they are guaranteed, unfortunately that only works if the joins break or the polish wears off. The picture isn't great-with a flash it is too bright and with no flash it is too dark. Those are my bright red finger nails. Everyone asks 'how do you knit with those?' I have had them for so long that it is second nature. If one breaks my world ends-it is hard to do anything. They have been great for the golf score as well-my handicap has dropped since I have had them.

Tonight our guild starting on their entrelac knapsacks. They started out by learning a provisional cast on. Then they worked the base from the outside in. I think it is easier to decrease in the round than increase. Next meeting we will be picking up the live stitches and starting to work up. Here is a picture of our cute meeting room. Fireplace and free coffee-can't go wrong.

Rhonda is the wearing the pink cabled sweater at the bottom of the first picture.

Samantha didn't make it into the picture-sorry. I learned the Samantha has 'tagged' me. Being new to blogging I had no idea what she was talking about but now I understand. She has a list of questions for me to answer and post. I have to think about these questions and will post the answers tomorrow.

What is your all time favourite yarn to knit with?

Your favourite needles?

The worst thing you've ever knit?

Your most favourite knit pattern? (maybe you don't like wearing it...but it was the most fun to knit)

Most valuable knitting technique?

Best knit book or magazine?

Your favourite knit-a-long?

Your favourite knitblogs?

Your favourite knitwear designer?

The knit item you wear the most? (how about a picture of it!)


  1. I'm there, in the first picture -- way to the left in the shadows ... Next time I'm bringing my camera too! Ha! It'll be your time to shine in the spotlight, oh fearless leader!! *lol*

    I had a fantastic time, as usual ... Vickey did too. And woohoo, I can actually say I know how to do something new now! Go me! I learned a skill! Thanks! :)

    BTW, you forgot to tell me what you call Jeff Gordon. *lol*

  2. Glad you enjoyed the meeting-it's always good to learn something new.

    I will tell you his name the next time I see you. I can't type words like that into the computer.
