Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I've been tagged!!

Samantha tagged me for a knitting meme. I'm going to tag Wannietta-this should be interesting.

What is your all time favourite yarn to knit with?

This is a hard question for me to answer. I have been lucky enough to knit with almost everything from Rowan-there isn't one that I didn't like. I enjoy the Noro yarns. You want to keep knitting to see what the next colour will be. Scarves have let me knit with many of the fancy yarns on the market.

Your favourite needles?
Addi turbo needles hands down.

The worst thing you've ever knit?
A fairisle sweater (and I love fairisle)-the pattern was terrible and I would never recommend the yarn (don't want to mention the company)

Your most favourite knit pattern? (maybe you don't like wearing it...but it was the most fun to knit)
Almost impossible for me to answer. I have knit so many great patterns during my 18 years in the store. I just finished Skeppstra by Cornelia Tuttle-Hamilton in Noro Transitions which I would knit again. The most memorable would be a Kaffe Fassett full length coat-over 150 colours in it.

Most valuable knitting technique?
Mattress stitch for seaming - I hate seeing a finished sweater with ugly seams.

Best knit book or magazine?
The most influential in my knitting career is Glorious Knitting by Kaffe Fassett.

Your favourite knit-a-long?
Haven't joined one yet.

Your favourite knitblogs?
See the list on the right.

Your favourite knitwear designer?
I love Kim Hargreaves, Debbie Bliss and Annabel Fox. Debbie has been a friend of mine for many years and I have her teach in my store whenever possible. I will even take a bit of credit for her starting her own yarn company. Bev and I had pressured her for many years and she finally took the plunge. Annabel and I were friends while she was in the knitting industry-she even stayed at my house for a weekend.

The knit item you wear the most? (how about a picture of it!)
Another tough one. I am in a handknit sweater almost every day. I love my Button Jacket by Annabel Fox. I have an entrelac jacket by Debbie Bliss in Noro Kureyon but I didn't knit it.


  1. Just regular old addi turbos are your favourite? Not squished ones? *g*

  2. I bet I know which yarn company your talking about!!!!
