Monday, October 31, 2005

Felted Christmas Stocking is Done

My life has been crazy busy. This really means that the store has been busy and I haven't had time to write. The weather has turned cold which gets everyone thinking about knitting again. I was going to sit at the computer on Thursday night after class but instead I had to sit down with a drink. They are great ladies but they keep me on my toes. The language in class and topics of conversation can become X-rated. I have to interview anyone new who wants to join to make sure that they won't be offended.

I did get the Christmas stocking felted and in my opinion it looks great. The pattern is completely written except for the heel shaping. A smart person would keep track of what they did-not me. I have to get out some scrap yarn and cast on the number of heel stitches and try to recreate. STUPID!!

I've been knitting a shawl using Ann Norling's pattern #63. You start at the bottom of the back, work up to the neck and then down the fronts. I have the back finished and almost done one front. The yarn is called Overture from SR Kertzer. It is a mohair with metallic thread. The new colour in my wardrobe is chocolate brown which doesn't photograph very well so I will wait until finished to show a picture.

Tonight is my beginner/intermediate class. They actually get out their needles right away and start knitting-no gossiping, no movie previews-just knitting. New knitters can be so keen!! Tomorrow night is guild night. I will be starting the group on the Felted Entrelac Knapsack. Many of these woman have never taken a knitting class so they are sponges for new techniques. We are starting with a provisional cast on and working the base on circular needles.

Fantasy football went great this weekend. Our score will more than double our opponents!

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