Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, July 13, 2012

Mystery KAL

Last night mom and dad came with Beth and I to get the clock. My dad does not pass up an opportunity for 5 Guys. After dinner dad came over to help me move my bedroom furniture and to take down our pictures. Beth and dad decided they needed a beer so we went home with dad and then I could get mom online for half an hour. Mom had a surprise for us-Beth told her about my dream. $120 US each. Nice!!

This morning has been productive. The cleaning ladies are coming today. Perfect timing. We moved furniture so that they could get all the dust bunnies. It doesn't matter how often you clean when there are two golden retrievers in the house. My bedding has been washed and the bed remade. Shoes and yarn are where they belong. Pictures taken downstairs.

Beth went to the bank and post office this morning. I think that is all our chores taken care of.

The most important thing is that yarn is wound. The first clue for the Stephen West Mystery KAL came this morning. I'm starting when I get to work.

Lorna's Laces Solemate in Kerfuffle
Noro Taiyo Sock in colour 25

Sign ups for the KAL are closed but the pattern will be released in August if you decide that it is something you want to knit.

Introducing the new colours coming from Lorna's Laces. These are coming in Sock, Lace and Solemate. Unfortunately hand dying yarn takes time so it will be a few more weeks before our shipment arrives.

It's later in the day and the Mystery Shawl has been started. I have a problem-do I show you pictures or not? Some people don't want to see what it looks like until they start their own. I think I will wait until Monday and by then most of you should have started and will know what the first clue looks like. I can tell you that I like how my colours look.

I just got off the phone with the ladies at madelinetosh. We have another HUGE shipment coming. They will be dying it next week and then it will be trucked here-it's too big for Post.
merino dk
merino light (46 colours)

There are still a few chores to get done in the store so I better hit Publish and get to work.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww man ... I don't sign up for many KAL but I would've totally jumped on this one!! Le Sigh. Ah well, I will live vicariously through my friends, and truly, it's not like I don't have anything to knit. ;P
