Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Mom-Are you kidding me?

I thought I was going to start on my knitting last night but it didn't happen. I did some running around to get ready to go and then early to bed. The night started out with a really stupid dream that made me mad and then the rest of the night was bad sleep. This is my dream-my mom pulled me aside to thank me for everything I did to get their new house ready. She didn't want Beth to know but she had a cheque for me. $120. Are you kidding me?? All my time and effort and she gives me a lousy cheque for $120. Remember - this was a dream. I'm not really mad at my mom. :)

I heard noise at 5:30 and Beth had the dogs out. She was having a bad nights sleep as well. After I told her my dream she was mad too. Mom offered me money and not her.

I tried going back to sleep with no luck. I was out the door by 6:45 and in Home Depot as they opened at 7. We had many keys to be copied and they are done. I was in the store by 8:15 and got lots of work done. The new Rowan yarns are on the site (they won't go live until next week) and now it's up to Korey to get the shade cards added.

Here are some patterns to get excited about-the magazine should be here next week.
Winterton and Stockton from the new Rowan magazine Winterlude. Another sweater shown on a man that I would definitely wear!
Thames-also from Winterlude.

I found a free Noro pattern online today. Very nice and a great way to play with Kureyon. You need 2 balls each of 2 colours
It is only 10:20 and most of my computer work is done. That means I will get my knitting started and hopefully a picture.

It's 5:20 and time to start packing up. My clock is in so we are going for dinner at Five Guys and then pick it up.

I did get the Beach Rose shawl started.
I didn't say that I got very far. I'm trying something new this time. When I knit my last shawl I knit the first 30 or so rows flat and then joined into the round when there was enough stitches. This time I am trying Magic Loop. The flowers will start on the next row. I'm not having a problem with the Magic Loop but the first row had only 13 stitches and I kept dropping the stitch markers. It's going much better now. I'm going to eat fast so that I can get home to knit. :)

1 comment:

  1. Linda in Waterloo6:45 PM

    Sure, blame the Mom....heh.
    Have fun in MB. I will get in for the bag, just been away when the news broke. Thx.
