Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sewing Project

Beth and I have been throwing around ideas for our sun room in Myrtle Beach. We agreed to keep this to ourselves for now. Once you tell my dad about a possible job he wants it done right away. This isn't a bad thing but they just moved into their new house so we didn't want our parents thinking about this right now.

We have this great room with not very nice furniture. Okay, the furniture is fine but not for this room. It is going to move upstairs to the deck.

We haven't seen anything we like and then I saw something on Pinterest this week. I showed Beth and she liked the idea too.

I'm not sure about the table but love the bench seats. Lots of pillows and we will have a comfortable room to read a book or have an afternoon nap.

Then I remembered the pattern that Sarah brought me for pillows from Amy Butler.

And I have some Amy Butler fabric to try out a pillow.

Once we get back from TNNA I am going to sit down and sew again. My sewing machine is dusty and probably doesn't remember how it supposed to work because I haven't touched it in so long.


  1. It looks like a beautiful idea & project!!!

  2. I love the pillows, can't wait to see how easily you'll whip them up.

  3. You are on a roll! Love the idea of new furniture for the room. The bench looks wonderful. I would have a table and chairs in the room, too. There is so much light there it would be a perfect place to work on so many different types of projects that require a table. Love all that light!

  4. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Do it!!!

  5. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Yeah, do it! Pretty.
