Friday, June 15, 2012


Lois asked about the dogs. They are Golden Retrievers but right now Roko does look like a Lab. Roko is feeling much better. They are playing together again which makes Melo very happy. Their playing looks like fighting and you would swear they were going to hurt each other but there is never blood and only occasionally a cry.

We have a very busy weekend. Tonight is dinner with our friend Lynda and her daughter Jessie. Jessie's birthday was in May and tonight is her birthday dinner. Tomorrow is a family wedding. My dad's cousin's son is getting married. That is confusing. :) Jane will be in the store. Then on Sunday we are going to a Fathers Day barbecue. There will be close to 50 people. Beth and I are in charge of desert. We have a bit of work to do. I also have my knitting to get going on .

Mr. Canpar, Nick, brought in two huge boxes yesterday afternoon.

Frill Seeker Sequins.

One ball will make a scarf. I have started one and will show pictures when I get a bit further.

I suggest you roll the ball on a paper towel tube before you start. Taking a few minutes to do this before you start will make knitting the scarf much more enjoyable.
 There are holes along one edge of the yarn which makes it easy to knit.
The pattern is on the label. 9 stitches on 5mm needles. I might suggest going as small as 4mm-the smaller the needle the easier it is to get into the holes of the yarn.

See all the colours...

We also received new colours of Frill Seeker Precious Metal. Colours 916-920

The dogs woke me at 7 this morning so I had lots of time to write before heading to the store. Beth had to run to the bank and brought me home breakfast from Tim's before she took the dogs to the parents house. This afternoon the appliances are coming so Beth is going to be there to meet the truck. My dad has a carpenter waiting to install the microwave (over the stove), dishwasher, fridge with water and ice, stove, washer and dryer. We don't let my dad do things like that. He can do it but if it doesn't go right bad things can happen. I should be saving this story for Fathers Day but I'm going to share now. When we were kids a water pump broke in the house. My dad started working on it and couldn't figure out what was wrong. What to do? Take out a sledge hammer and smash it to bits. You might think I'm making this up but it is true!! The plumber asked us to never let my dad touch anything again. That was close to 40 years ago and it is still a family joke.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to know the dogs are happy again, even the Golden masquerading as Lab. ;)

    That new yarn looks like lots of fun!
