Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Quick Check In

It was a busy day in the store (which is a very good thing) but I didn't get a blog post started. When I got home I took Beth to the casino in Brantford. Yes, we did just go to Vegas but I never posted that Beth was sick. Mom reads my blog and I didn't want her and dad to know. Only the flu but Beth wasn't a fun person. She spent two days in bed which meant not much casino time.

My dad is flying home from Honduras today. Currently they are in Miami but we don't know if he will be home tonight. They were supposed to leave Honduras this morning but engine problems delayed them. The flight from Miami left without them and now they are trying to get on another flight but we haven't heard if all/some/none got on. Beth and I are heading to the airport soon hoping to find them there. :)

It's now late Sunday afternoon. Beth and mom picked dad up at the airport last night. He was good but tired.

I woke up with a migraine this morning. I am feeling a bit better but I feel the best lying down. I'm quickly completing my post because I can't go two days without.

The Feature of the Week will be posted tomorrow. :)

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