Thursday, September 15, 2011

Where is my parcel?

This morning I did a really quick post about Classes. Now I can write a real post. :)

The Knitter's Pride needles should be in the store on Tuesday. Right now my plan is to drive to Toronto on Monday to pick them up. I say right now because I still have some work to do for Camp. The class notes for my two workshops aren't finished yet.

The patterns from Jared Flood arrived in the store this morning. They sat in customs for over a week. I asked them if they saw my madelinetosh yarn (which is still sitting in customs) but they hadn't.

I have talked about many new Debbie Bliss books for fall and there is still another one. Debbie has been very busy.

There are tonal changes in the yarn, moving from light to dark and then back to light.

Big Brother and Survivor in one night. I was happy that Rachel won Big Brother. She was very annoying at the beginning but once Brendon left she was a much nicer person. She was definitely the best in competitions. I'm not sure who I like on Survivor. No one jumped out as the person to beat. A few jumped out as being really annoying though.

I finally remembered to bring home a 100cm circular needle for my knitting. There has been some progress but it won't show in a picture until I get the stitches onto the new needle. I think I'm going to head upstairs and knit for a bit. I've had enough work for one day.

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