Friday, September 16, 2011

It Finally Arrived!!

I was at work early today to try and get all my kits done for Camp. Ms. Canada Post came in and said that I owed her money. Was it that parcel?? The madelinetosh finally made it. There are 9 new to us colours of merino light. On my website they show as 'awaiting image'. You can see the colours on madelinetosh's new website. Now I'm thinking about Creekbed. We have all the colours in the picture. I love knitting with merino light!!

Last night I watched three episodes of Law and Order: LA and accomplished some knitting. Here is Ayako looking much better now that it is on a 100cm needle.
I think that I finished all the kits in the store today. I am trying to figure out how much room we have in the van. By my calculation there is still room. Beth told me not to get too excited because I will have the van full by Tuesday afternoon.

The past hour I have been doing work for Beth. More price signs. Kind of like I did all day for kits. I think I have had enough of looking at my computer for the day. I just made a cup of tea and it is time for some Criminal Minds and knitting.

1 comment:

  1. What lovely colors. :) Just in time for Fall.
