Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, July 18, 2011

Wednesday is the big day

I thought about a blog post many times yesterday but never opened my computer. Golf in the morning, Nascar in the afternoon and then Big Brother. Honestly, I did think about writing.

Today started out being all about me. I had a 10am hair appointment. Nothing makes me happier than visiting Trish. No more grey! Then I took Beth lunch and on the way home I stopped at the spa for a pedicure. It was a happy day. I am not going to talk about the rest of the afternoon. All was well again when mom paid for the family to go out for dinner.

I just got off the phone from New Zealand. Listening to a Kiwi talk always makes me smile.

According to UPS the fall Rowan should be in the store on Wednesday. Happy Dance!!

Here are a few more designs from the book. I forgot to bring home the book that tells me the designer and what the garments are made out of. Sorry it is just pretty pictures tonight.

The TV upstairs is taping many, many TV shows tonight. Hell's Kitchen. Master Chef. Big Break. World Series of Poker. It's going to be a long night!

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