Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sneak Preview

I am very proud of myself-I have accomplished lots today.
The Noro Kureyon is in numerical order again. I have counted it and the website is correct.
I wrote two newsletters that have gone out. A general newsletter and one for those attending Camp.
Two huge boxes of Sirdar arrived and I have unpacked them. The yarn hasn't been put away yet but I am hoping Sarah will have time for that tomorrow.

Sarah? I am going golfing tomorrow. Dad, Beth and I along with our family friend Mark are in a golf tournament. Shotgun start at noon. It is going to be crazy hot!!

Today I received some pictures from Rowan for Studio 24. It is on order but I don't have a delivery date yet.

I really like the designs and am happy to see them photographed in bright, cheery colours.

I also received a few pictures from the next Kim Hargreaves book called Shadows which is due in early September. Here is a small taste. I'm saving the rest for a day when I don't have anything to show.
Logan in Lima
Tough in Big Wool
I need to get back to work on the website. madelinetosh called today and they are starting to dye a huge order for me. I should have it by the end of the month and there are many new colours to get added to the website.

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