Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Where is spring?

What is with this weather?  Hot and humid yesterday and this morning it is cold, damp and foggy.

Last night I finished another Log Cabin square.  Four done-sixteen to go.

Working on Rock Island at 10pm doesn't seem like a good idea.

I'm starting to think that watching Criminal Minds before going to bed isn't such a good idea either.  My dreams last night were weird.

Tomorrow I am off to Toronto to see more new yarn for fall.  Two of my suppliers are having Open Houses.  I will try and sneak a few pictures.  :)

I'm going first thing in the morning so that there is time for an afternoon nap.  I need to be wide awake for the finale of Survivor.  Come on Rob!! I want him to win but I don't think there is any way that they will give him the money.


  1. Nice log cabin, and naps are a good thing. Enjoy your show.

  2. I watched Criminal Minds before bed that night as well and also had weird dreams! So strange!! Your log cabin square looks great!

  3. Log cabin pieces are so relaxing, aren't they. Just love them!
