Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bitter Day Out

I am home again.  It is cold and rainy in Southern Ontario today.  The fireplace is on to try and take some of the bitter cold out of the house.

In between visiting suppliers I stopped at Yorkdale for a minute to go in Crate and Barrel.  Thank goodness there isn't a store in Myrtle Beach.  I would have done a lot of damage.  I love that store.  If you go upstairs they have furniture and most of the dining room sets were planked tables with chairs and a bench like we bought for Myrtle Beach.  It put a smile on my face that we picked something that was 'IN'.  I thought about walking through the mall but I really wanted to get to the other suppliers and then home.

Here are some pictures of the Noro we are expecting for fall.  Silk Garden, Kureyon and Hitsuji should be arriving in July.  Iro will be closer to September.

A new yarn for fall is called Hitsuji .  It is a chunky version of Kureyon.

Triana Update
There will be a shipment of Triana arriving on Tuesday afternoon.  We will have stock of all colours except the black/grey, beige/cream and solid black. 

Triana Lux is in the shipment as well.  Triana with a bit of sparkle.

I am going to move to the couch and watch the end of the golf. Recently I had golf on in the store and someone commented that she didn't think people actually watched golf on TV-it was way too boring.  There could be a nap but I am going to try and stay awake to knit on a new yarn I picked up today.  No pictures until I get some knit.  :)

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