Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, January 21, 2011

Snow Sheep

I haven't talked about my knitting lately. There is a reason-there hasn't been any. My evenings have been spent working on the website, doing orders and mailing yarn. Last night I finished the first skein of yarn for my Hitchhiker Scarf. Beth and I decided that it really needed more scarf so I wound up ball #2.  I think one skein will work for a small person but I have large shoulders.  I promise pictures tomorrow.

I have been a bit occupied with TV watching as well.  This week is the Barrett-Jackson auction from Scottsdale, Arizona.  I can't get enough of watching the cars go across the stage.  My car obsession comes from my grandfather.  Not sure if I should be thanking him for that.

Last night Beth and I went out to get some yarn from my car so I could ship it out this morning and saw this.  The picture is fuzzy but it was the best I could do at 11pm.  It looks like a sheep is sitting on top of the snow bank.  The snow was still there this morning but in day light it doesn't look as much like a sheep.  Beth is afraid that knitters are going to be making pilgrimages to our neighbourhood to see the 'snow sheep'.

Yesterday I mentioned Mr. Canpar bringing me four boxes.  Lots and lots of yarn arrived from Sirdar.

Here is a sample of some of the patterns that were in the boxes.

Many people aren't ready to start on their spring/summer knitting yet so Sirdar brought out some new patterns for their fall yarns.
 Ponchos.  Is this a preview of what is coming for fall?
Squiggle and Indie each have two new colours.

Way too cute!  His hair is amazing!

1 comment:

  1. You could set up a Hot Chocolate stand for all those visiting your sheep.
