Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, January 22, 2011


I know that I shouldn't complain because our winter in Ancaster hasn't been bad to this point but boy has it been cold the last few days.  It was -12 when I came to work this morning which might not have been that bad but I left my winter coat in the store last night.  I am ready to be done with the snow and slush so I can stop wearing my boots and start wearing my good shoes again.

As promised. Here is Hitchhiker before I left the store last night.  I was very motivated when I got home and did quite a bit of knitting while 'buying' cars.

I am hoping to get it finished tonight.

When I got home last night the sheep was still there.  I moved close and took another picture.  Beth and I agree that during the day it just looks like a blob of snow but when it gets dark you can definitely tell that it is a sheep sitting on the snow bank.  Irene suggested that we sell Hot Chocolate when the knitters make their pilgrimage.  Maybe a touch of Kahlua with that Irene??


  1. I'm totally up for a pilgrimage - it really does look like a sheep!!

  2. Winter has much too much cold, but never enough knitting. :)
