Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Special Visitor

All I can say is thank goodness I live in Southern Ontario.  That is a lot of snow on the East Coast.  Mom and dad talked to their neighbours in Myrtle Beach and they had snow there.  Not a lot but more than we got.

Yesterday morning the store was busy when a special visitor walked in. Wannietta drove down to see me. Actually she wanted some yarn but I am going with she missed me.  She is looking great and of course she had on a great hand knit hat. In her knitting bag was a scarf that she knit for the store.

Classic Elite Liberty Wool
4 balls-sample in 7898 Blue Twilight

Now she is working on a cardigan for the store.  Elisabeth in Liberty Wool from Classic Elite.

I have made some progress on Wild Saffron. The rows are taking a long time but I have 211 stitches on the needles so it is to be expected. I keep telling myself that the sleeves are part of the body so when I am done the front I am ready to sew together.

Here is a close up of the knitting. I took some pictures of the whole front but they didn't do the colour or my knitting justice.

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't take much for me to drive for yarn and while Canada Post can get it here (or there) I do miss you!! I'll have to plan for more than a shop, drop & run next time and of course on not such a busy day!!
