Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Lots to do

I really meant to do a post yesterday but stuff happens.  Cathy spent the afternoon with me.  We moved yarns around trying to get the store in order for next week.  After work it was to the spa-lip and eyebrows need to be waxed before my trip.  Then my nails had to be done.  I brought home dinner and then Beth and I headed out for last minute errands.  Beth needed a book for the trip so we went to Chapters. Never a quick or cheap trip.  Then the drug store to pick up prescriptions and the other necessities.  Again, not a cheap or quick trip.

I have no knitting to report.  The store has been crazy busy-there are absolutely no complaints coming from me about this-which means no time to knit during the day.

I updated my iPad last night and my twitter feed looks really cool now.

A neat thing that I can do on my iPad is take a screen shot. I emailed it to my computer and here is what it looks like.

Ms. Canada Post came yesterday with the new yarns and patterns from Spud & Chloe. There is a box packed for Lynda so that she can knit the Valentine Cardigan in Orangutan.  I am going to try and get the yarns and patterns on the website right away but I'm not sure there will be time before I go.

Just two more sleeps until Vegas.  The 'to do' list is growing in my head. I should consider writing it all down so that I don't forget!!  The hardest part is thinking about clothes.  For Vegas they can be casual but then I need dressier clothes including sweaters for the trade show. This takes up a lot of room and there are those darn restrictions on luggage now. I will definitely need to limit the number of shoes.

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