Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, August 01, 2010

The stress has started

Being the Saturday of a holiday weekend the store will either be crazy busy or very slow.  Thankfully it was crazy busy yesterday.  I had to keep apologizing for the mess but it should be gone soon!!  I did get time to work on the Silk Garden-it is in a new home and in numerical order.

Dad made many visits to the store as well.  He collected all my empty cardboard boxes, took many boxes of tent sale yarn and helped me measure up for some new cabinets.

Last night was spent knitting.  There are only 54 sleeps until the knitting retreat.  Thanks Tamara for bringing that up.  And now I just counted on the calendar and it looks like 42 sleeps until the Knitter's Fair. Holy Cow!!  I'm not ready.  I have two projects that need to be finished by then.  I haven't even thought of what will be in my booth.  Now the stress has started.

So, I have to get knitting.  Friday night I got knitting and then realized it was 1am.  I needed to stop and get to sleep because I was working the next day but the knitting mojo was going good.

The last time I measured 15" was finished on Wild Saffron.  The sleeves are part of the body so I am now increasing for the sleeve shaping.

Last night I worked on the Malthese Shawl.  Flower #8 is almost done.

The new Twist Collective is now up.  This is an online knitting magazine with many amazing patterns that you can purchase.
Here are the patterns that interest me
hallet's ledge
red oak

There are many more exciting patterns but I had to stop myself.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I think you should post a calendar on your blog for how many sleeps!
