Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, August 02, 2010

Another day on the course

A holiday Monday can only mean one thing-a game of golf. Beth and I went out with our friends Cam and John.  Beth's course was having Club Championship (she decided to pass on playing in it this year) so we went to Copetown Woods.

It was a very good golf day for me.  I beat Beth-something that has only happened once before.  It sounds very good except for the fact that I played from the ladies tees and she played from the mens but I am still taking the win!!!

I had a very bad dream this morning. We had to cancel Knitting Camp this fall. Bayview-Wildwood was redecorating the dining room and we had no where to eat. Boy did I wake up in a cold sweat.

My knitting progressed nicely yesterday.  The Malthese shawl has eight rows of flowers complete and I am part way into the ninth.  Must knit faster!!

1 comment:

  1. That was not a dream .... it was a nightmare!
