Friday, July 16, 2010

New Putter

Last night we watched the episodes of Big Brother that we missed. My knitting sat beside me but I was just too tired to pick up the needles. It is packed in the car and I hope to get some done in the store today.

I am writing before going to work because I got up early to watch golf.

I didn't do much shopping in Myrtle Beach but I did visit two different golf stores. These are huge (think grocery store) selling anything and everything to do with golf.

On Monday we golfed a beautiful course that none of us had played before. My putting was atrocious and I am normally a very good putter. That made up my mind-time for a new putter.

I now own an Odyssey Divine Line Marxman Putter.  This is a ladies putter-didn't know there was a difference between a putter for men and women.  My old putter was also an Odyssey that mom and dad bought me when Odyssey putters first came out many, many years ago.  Beth tried my putter on Tuesday and now she wants it!!

We have to golf in a tournament on Wednesday (I'm pretty upset about this :)) so she will be able to try it again. Then there might be a phone call to Myrtle Beach. "Mom and dad, can you go to the golf store and get me a putter??"

I need to get a few things before heading to the store-the cleaning ladies are coming today and I need to tidy the house.  Enjoy the beautiful weather.  Hopefully you are on the golf course!!!


  1. That is totally a sexy putter!!! I don't know much about golf but I recently bought a driver so that I can just go and pound the shit out of balls. I'm not very good at it but practice will make better; I'm not really aiming for perfect.

  2. Think of the awesome pompoms you could make with that ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
