Thursday, July 15, 2010

Back to work

We made it home very late last night.  The highway was down to one lane in St. Catherines so we were stop and go for over half an hour.  The dogs were very excited to see us and did not want us to go to bed so we watched the first episode of Big Brother.  Needless to say I am very tired this morning.

Here are some pictures from the trip.

This is my parents pride and joy.  When they arrive in Myrtle Beach they phone home to let us know that they arrived safely.  The first thing out of their mouths is that the house looks as beautiful as they remember it.

In front of the house is a huge magnolia tree.  My dad loves this tree!!  When I was taking pictures he kept telling me to make sure I got one of the tree.

We got home from dinner one night and someone commented on how many pairs of shoes were sitting at the front door of the house.  Thirteen people makes for a lot of shoes!!
We golfed the Dye Course on Tuesday-one of my favourite Myrtle Beach courses.  Right now the course is open to the public but they hope to take it private in the next few years.  If you are a golfer going to Myrtle Beach make sure you add this course to your list!!

It was so hot on the course that I couldn't continue bringing the camera out to take pictures.

There has been no content on the blog for the past week so I am adding a pretty picture.  Rowan is supposed to be shipping today from the US.  Here is another amazing design from #48 called Anastasiya.

Sarah worked in the store while I was away.  A lot of boxes came in and she was busy unpacking and trying to get the yarn on the shelves.  We really need a bigger store.  :)

Tosh DK
Tosh Vintage
Kauni (yarn and patterns)
Christel Seyfarth Mongolia Jacket kit
Addi turbos-we should be restocked on everything
Berroco Sox Metallic-four new colours
Mountain Colors
-new colours of Bearfoot
-new yarn Crazyfoot-merino wool/nylon blend

There are many updates to be done on the website and I hope to get started on those later this afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, there is no place like home.... :) Welcome Home.
