Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

RUN to you nearest hardware store

UPS emailed me a notification yesterday that my latest parcel from Namaste is on it's way. The shipment includes the brand new red Zuma and Laguna bags.

We had a bit of trauma in our house last night. Beth and I went to dinner with our friends John and Lynda. We made John drive and that meant that the girls could have a drink. Yes, we were very loud at dinner. The conversations got very spirited. The taunting phone call to my mom from John and Lynda was quite funny-Jeter is going down!! When Beth and I walked into the house there was an awful noise 'the batteries are your smoke detector are low'. This was being repeated every 15 minutes. Melo who is afraid of everything couldn't care less but Roko was freaking out. Shaking, crying, more shaking and more crying. We looked in the drawer but there weren't any 9 volt batteries. Neither of us could go out (because we had a drink with dinner) so we had to live through the noise and crying for an hour. Around 10 (two hours after my drink) I figured I was okay to drive so I set off to Sobey's. Nope, they didn't have any 9 volt batteries. Maybe the gas station. Nope, not there either. I ended up driving to the variety store beside my store and luckily they had one-only one because I would have bought two. Roko was having a complete melt down when I got home. We got the battery changed and he shook and cried for another hour before he started to settle down. My advice to everyone (Beth did it today)-run to your nearest hardware store and have an extra 9 volt battery on hand jut in case. They are not easy to find when you need one!!!

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