Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Another finished project

Julie Ann came in for a visit today. She brought a finished garment to show me-KnitWhits Edie Spring Time Cardigan. It is knit from side to side in Kureyon and Kureyon sock. I love her colours!!

I received a bitter phone call from my mom last night. 'Why won't I knit her a bag like Ann made for her mom???' That was the start of her call. Then she was very upset because Derek Jeter was losing the ball game. My mom has been around baseball for years. Beth and I started playing at a young age and played through our teens. Every summer night and weekend were spent at the ball park. She knew the rules but I don't think she really liked the game. However, Derek Jeter plays for the Yankees and she has been glued to the TV during the playoffs. Heaven forbid you call her while he is up to bat. She then called me back later in the night to say she was going to bed because Jeter was losing. Not the Yankees but Jeter!! I am going to catch heck for this tonight but the truth is the truth.

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