Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Need help counting

I totally messed up my knitting!!! Not a happy camper. The sleeves on Iris were too small for me so I needed to add stitches. I calculated 75 as the proper number. After I started the armhole shaping earlier today I counted the stitches. I only started with 65. When I cast on the stitches, they were counted three times and I swear there was 75!! I don't like to rip out so I finished the sleeve and am going to sew it in tomorrow. If it looks okay then it stays. If it looks too tight then I will be frogging. Unfortunately or fortunately I forgot to bring home yarn for sewing so it is sitting on the floor of my bedroom until tomorrow. That is probably for the best with my mood right now.

Don't worry because I have other knitting at home.

Rochdale is from Rowan 46-knit in Big Wool on 12mm needles.

I have been holding out on you. I started this the day Rowan 46 arrived and was going to show it to you when done. I have pulled it out to work on this afternoon so I took a quick picture for you. One front is done and I am working on the back.

12mm Addi needles have a fat, plastic cord and I don't like knitting with them. A pair of Ebony Lantern Moon needles whispered to me that they would work well for this project so I took them home. Very nice. You won't see me knitting on straight needles very often but they are working well for this project.

My knitting and I are moving upstairs to watch the Nascar race if it ever starts.

Can't wait for Big Brother. I am hoping that Jeff or Jordan win HOH. Let's see Jessie and Ronnie squirm.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I wish I was good enough to knit and watch.
