Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Let the games begin

Dad, Beth and I have a tradition of golfing on holiday Mondays. Yesterday was such a beautiful day that we golfed Willow Valley in Hamilton. Dad lost and owes Beth and I big time.

The dumpster arrived this morning and I have been busy making trips outside filling it. I can be a pack rat (a trait I got from my mom-definitely not my dad) so this week I am getting rid of things that I haven't looked at in years.

Many people are coming in and can't believe we will have everything done in a week. My family has a construction company which makes anything possible. Some of the sub-trades will be in working at night (tile floor and painters) so I'm not worried about our deadline.

Jim has been doing flooring for my dad for as long as I can remember. He brought in tile samples for us to look at this morning. Small problem-both Dad and Jim are colour blind. Doesn't really help me so the decision was all mine. There was a great purple colour but it would be much too dark so medium grey won.

I haven't looked at Iris again. The next two weeks are going to be stressful and I really don't want to think about ripping out the sleeve right now. I will work on Rochdale during Big Brother tonight.


  1. OMG - I can't believe how excited I am to see how your reno turns out!

  2. Your dad's a miracle worker. I have complete confidence in him.
    And I'm sure you're paying him well, too.
