Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

This one is for Mom

My mom called me from Myrtle Beach last night to tell me that she had already read what was on the blog and to post something new.

Friday night I taught my finishing course. The students are totally amazed the first time they do the mattress stitch. They all came away with many tricks for finishing as well as things to do while knitting that makes sewing together so much easier.

Sarah had Saturday off to move so I was in the store by myself. A former student, Rhona, was having some problems with a vest she is knitting and has made a few visits over the past couple of weeks. She came in Saturday afternoon for some more help and brought me a fresh loaf of bread that she had baked. Thanks Rhona-it was great.

I did accomplish some knitting in the last few days. The second sleeve of Kilcar is finished and I am at the neck shaping on the first front. There is no sense adding a picture because it will just look like the last one that I posted.

I did not get my bag felted. This will get done this week. I went to throw it in the washing machine Sunday afternoon and realized that I hadn't sewn in the ends. That would have made a big mess!!!

Yesterday morning I had my hair cut and then met Bev for lunch. On the way home I stopped at a suppliers in Toronto and picked up the new Elsebeth Lavold books and yarn. This is called Brooke and is knit out of the new yarn called Cotton Frappe. More of the Louisa Harding yarn arrived-sorry Cindy, the colours you ordered weren't in the shipment.

I had better get moving and get ready to open the store. It is unbelievably cold here today-thank goodness I have lots of sweaters to choose from.

1 comment:

  1. I love that sweater. Oh and also the mattress stitch. It rocks.
