Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

New Yarn and Knitting Progress

Two posts in one day. Are you happy now Mom?

I unpacked boxes and put away yarn this morning. In the box were new colours of On Line Solo-the yarn that I used for the Ruffles Scarf. I mentioned a new yarn from Elsebeth Lavold in this morning's post-guess what-it wasn't in the box. Maybe it will arrive next week.
This afternoon I took some time to work on the Asymmetrical Jacket. I have eight rows left until I can cast off the first half. Unfortunately there are close to 400 stitches on the needle so one row takes forever.
I am missing knitting guild tonight. Because of the snow a couple of weeks ago, the first class of my Lattice Bag was cancelled so I am teaching tonight to get them caught back up.

1 comment:

  1. Nice yarn. :) The jacket is coming along swimmingly. Will you have it ready to show off as a FO at a guild meeting anytime soon?
