Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Project #2

Tanis Lavallee has a new pattern. This is City Limits Light - purchased on Ravelry.

When I designed my original worsted weight City Limits sweater pattern I had no idea what a staple it would become in my pattern collection. It quickly became my go-to pattern for gift knits. It’s such a versatile shape and lends itself so well to any number of simple modifications (stripes anyone?) and I knew that I needed to add a fingering weight version to my collection. And here it is! The same classic silhouette and reversible detailing of the original knit at a finer gauge to make the most of your precious stash of sock weight yarn. In these pattern photos I am wearing mine stockinette side out while my daughter is wearing hers reverse stockinette side out. I love them both!

There are many sizes available.

Child: 6-12 mo (1-2 yrs, 2-4 yrs, 4-6 yrs, 6-8 yrs, 8-10 yrs) 
Chest circumference: 45.5 (51, 56, 61, 66, 71) cm / 18 (20, 22, 24, 26, 28)” 

Adult: 76 (83, 91.5, 101, 111, 122) 131.5, 142, 152.5, 162.5, 173 cm / 30 (32.75, 36, 39.75, 43.75, 48) 51.75, 56, 60, 64, 68” at bust. 

My Traveler Shawl is finished. It’s blocked and all the ends are sewn in. Project #2 finished in 2024. 

Pattern: Traveler Shawl (purchased on Ravelry)

Yarn: 5 skeins of Spincycle Dyed in the Wool - the colour is Strawflower

Needles: I used 3.75mm

My first Traveler Shawl was soaked this morning in Yuzu Soak and now it is wrapped in a Super Absorbent Towel from Cocoknits. Later this evening I will wrap it in a towel to get even more water out. I should be able to lay it out tomorrow evening.

I have 8 rows and then the cast off on my cowl. There wasn’t any knitting last night because I went to bed early. I hope to get a few more rows before bed tonight. 

Tomorrow we have a big shipment coming from Malabrigo. More colours of Washted are in the box.
Heirloom Vegetables

We will also be receiving a restock of colours we are short on. Thank goodness Lynn is home. She was enjoying her retirement in Florida for a few weeks. Now that’s she is rested up she’s coming in on Friday to help me put yarn away.

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