Monday, December 18, 2023

The Conservatory

There was a lot of walking today. One stop was the Conservatory at the Bellagio. The display was beautiful as always. The only bad thing was that the Conservatory was jammed. I walked through fast and didn’t get as many photos as I normally do.

This display was on my walk through the Bellagio. They go all out on decorations.

My knitting is growing and I am enjoying the pattern. I need to do 18 pattern repeats and I’m on the 13th. It’s only 8:30 here - I’ll get a few more rows knit tonight.

I’m not sure if you noticed I said ‘I just got home’ in last night’s post. Beth always laughs that I call my hotel in Vegas home.

1 comment:

  1. I just LOVE the Christmas decorations! Thanks for sharing. And, about "home" we always called our suite on board the ship (where My Honey worked) "home." It was home to us for ten weeks at a time. We did confuse some people when we called it "home," though. ;)
