Friday, December 15, 2023

Game Changer

Lynn sent an email this afternoon with a link to a YouTube video from Laura Nelkin. This is a game changer. How many times do you read a pattern that says start with a provisional cast on and you cringe? Laura’s technique is amazing!!!

Laura talks about a stitch saver - think Barber Cords.

Here is the start of my Traveler Shawl. I’m using Levitate and fell in love with a skein that has denim in it. The colour isn’t in any of the other skeins but I’m okay with that. 
Here is the schematic from Andrea’s pattern. I’m doing the triangle on the left.

Now it’s time to pack. I’m in the store tomorrow and then dad is taking me to the airport at 4. There probably won’t be a post tomorrow. I’ll talk to you on Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. This is a beautiful shawl Julie, the colours are amazing! Enjoy your quick getaway :)
