Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, September 04, 2023

Hello from the Cottage


We’re having a great time the cottage. It’s a little hot for my liking but we’re managing. This was at 6:30 this morning. Dad, Beth and the dogs go out fishing early before it gets too hot.

I did some knitting outside while watching FBI. We have lots of very tall trees so there is shade on the deck.
Fred found a new place to sleep.
A little bit of knitting news. We are going to be getting in some 24 Days of Minis Calendars from Hedgehog. These should be arriving in October. I’ll post more information and put these online for preorder when I get home.

I hope everyone had a great Labour Day. We’re heading home early in the morning and I’ll be going to the store to pack orders. Boxes will go out on Wednesday morning.

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